BMRC References

Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC): References

[1]Bourke, W.P., B. McAvaney, K. Puri, and R. Thurling, 1977: Global modelling of atmospheric flow by spectral methods. In Methods in Computational Physics, 17, J. Chang (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 267-324.

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[6]Colman, R.A., and B.J. McAvaney, 1991: Experiments using the BMRC general circulation model with a heat balance ocean. BMRC Research Report No. 24, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 31 pp.

[7]McAvaney, B.J., J.R. Fraser, T.L. Hart, L.J. Rikus, W.P. Bourke, M.J. Naughton, and P. Mullenmeister, 1991: Circulation statistics from a non-diurnal seasonal simulation with the BMRC atmospheric GCM: R21L9. BMRC Research Report No. 29, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 231 pp.

[8]Rikus, L., 1991: The role of clouds in global climate modelling. BMRC Report No. 25, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 37 pp.

[9]McAvaney, B.J., and R.A. Colman, 1993: The AMIP experiment: The BMRC AGCM configuration. BMRC Research Report No. 38, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 43 pp.

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[18]Fels, S.B., and M.D. Schwarzkopf, 1975: The simplified exchange approximation: A new method for radiative transfer calculations. J. Atmos. Sci., 32, 1475-1488.

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[25]Tiedtke, M., 1988: Parameterization of cumulus convection in large-scale models. In Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change, Part 1. M.E. Schlesinger (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 375-431.

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[31]Petzold, D.E., 1977: An estimation technique for snow surface albedo. Climatolog. Bull., 26, 1-11.

[32]Colman, R.A., and B.J. McAvaney, 1992: Modelling of polar regions for climate change experiments. In Modelling Weather and Climate: The Third BMRC Modelling Workshop, November 1991. BMRC Research Report No. 33, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 390-406.

[33]Miller, M.J., A.C.M. Beljaars and T.N. Palmer, 1992: The sensitivity of the ECMWF model to the parameterization of evaporation from the tropical oceans. J. Climate, 5, 418-434.

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[35]Fels, S.B., and M.D. Schwarzkopf, 1981: An efficient, accurate algorithm for calculating CO2 15-micron band cooling rates. J. Geophys. Res., 86 (C2), 1205-1232.

[36]Colman, R.A., and B.J. McAvaney, 1995: Sensitivity of the climate response of an atmospheric general circulation model to changes in convective parameterization and horizontal resolution. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 3155-3172.

[37]McAvaney, B.J., R.R. Dahni, R.A. Colman, J.R. Fraser, and S.B. Power, 1995: The dependence of the climate sensitivity on convective parameterisation: Statistical evaluation. Glob. Plan. Change, 10, 181-200.

[38]Holtslag, A.A.M., and A.C.M. Beljaars, 1989: Surface flux parameterization schemes: Developments and experiences at KNMI. Proceedings of the 1988 ECMWF Workshop on Parameterisation of Fluxes over Land Surface, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, England, 121-147 [also available as KNMI Sci. Rep. 88-06, De Bilt, Netherlands, 27 pp.].

[39]McAvaney, B.J., and G.D. Hess, 1996: The revised surface fluxes parameterisation in the BMRC AGCM. BMRC Report No. 56, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

[40]McAvaney, B.J.and J.R. Fraser, 1996: Horizontal diffusion in the BMRC AGCM: Formulation and experiments. BMRC Research Report (in preparation), Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia.

[41]Louis, J.-F., M. Tiedtke, J.-F. Geleyn, 1981: A short history of the PBL parameterisation at ECMWF. Proceedings of the ECMWF Workshop on Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterisation, November 1981, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, England, pp. 59-80.

[42]Marshall, S., J.O. Roads, and G. Glatzmaier, 1994: Snow hydrology in a general circulation model. J. Climate, 7, 1251-1269.

[43]Wilson, M.F., and A. Henderson-Sellers, 1985: A global archive of land cover and soils data sets for use in general circulation models. Int. J. Climatology, 5, 119-143.

[44]Tiedtke, M., 1989: A comprehensive mass flux scheme for cumulus parameterization in large-scale models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 117, 1779-1800.

[45]Hack, J.J., B.A. Boville, B.P. Briegleb, J.T. Kiehl, P.J. Rasch, and D.L. Williamson, 1993: Description of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM2). NCAR Tech. Note, NCAR/TN-382+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 108 pp.

[46]Wilson, M.F., and A. Henderson-Sellers, 1985: A global archive of land cover and soils data sets for use in general circulation models. Int. J. Climatology, 5, 119-143.

[47]Pitman, A.J., Z.-L. Yang, J.G. Cogley, and A. Henderson-Sellers, 1991: Description of the Bare Essentials of Surface Transfer for the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre AGCM. BMRC Research Report No. 32, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Australia, 117 pp.

[48]Dickinson, R.E., A. Henderson-Sellers, P.J. Kennedy, and M.F. Wilson, 1986: Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) for the NCAR Community Climate Model. NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-275+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 69 pp.

[49]Desborough, C.E., 1996: The impact of root-weighting on the response of transpiration to moisture stress in land surface schemes. J. Climate (accepted).

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[51]Dickinson, R.E., A. Henderson-Sellers, and P.J. Kennedy, 1993: Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) Version 1e as coupled to the NCAR Community Climate Model. NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-383+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 72 pp.

[52] Cogley, J.G., A.J. Pitman, and A. Henderson-Sellers, 1990: A land surface scheme for large scale climate models. Trent University Technical Note 90_1, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J7B8, Canada.

[53]Pitman, A.J., and C.E. Desborough, 1996: Brief description of bare essentials of surface transfer and results from simulations with the HAPEX-MOBILHY data.Glob. Planet. Change, 13, 135-143.

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