Synthetic MSU Data Used in “Natural variability contributes to model-satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming”


CESM1 large ensemble data is available here in NetCDF format. The Po-Chedley et al. (2021) study made use of the tf1 field (which is referred to as TMT in the paper). This data represents mid-tropospheric temperature (with stratospheric contamination removed) and is available on latitude/longitude grids. Other fields from CESM1 are available from NCAR.

CMIP6 Historical Data

We provide historical time series of tropical and global average mid-tropospheric temperature (including a correction for stratospheric contamination) here. Each NetCDF file represents one model realization (the model name and realization are in the filename in a format similar to files provided by ESGF). The ttt20 and ttt90 variable in each file represents the tropical (20S-20N) and global (90S-90N) average time series and is comparable to the tf1 variabile from CESM LENS. Other CMIP6 fields are available from ESGF.

CMIP6 Atmosphere-only (AMIP) data

We provide atmosphere-only simulation time series of tropical (20S-20N) average mid-tropospheric temperature (including a correction for stratospheric contamination) here. As with the historical data, each NetCDF file represents one model realization (the model name and realization are in the filename in a format similar to files provided by ESGF) and includes the ttt20 variable in each file.

CMIP6 Extended Runs

The historical simulations are extended beyond 2014 with climate scenarios referred to shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs). We provide tropical (20S-20N) average mid-tropospheric temperature (including a correction for stratospheric contamination) time series for the historical simulation “spliced” with the SSP370 and SSP585 experiments here. As with the historical data, the variable in these NetCDF files is ttt20. The model, realization, and spliced experiments (e.g., historical-ssp370) are included in each netCDF filename.

E3SM Simulations

The tropical (20S-20N) average mid-tropospheric temperature (including a correction for stratospheric contamination) time series from E3SM AMIP simulations (performed with different SST datasets) are available here. The SST dataset used as a boundary condition (COBE2, ERSST5, HadISST, and PCMDI) and realization is specified in the filename.
