--- layout: AMIP --- Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre: Model BMRC BMRC3.7 (R31 L17) 1995

Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre: Model BMRC BMRC3.7 (R31 L17) 1995

Model Designation

Model BMRC BMRC3.7 (R31 L17) 1995

Model Lineage

The model was derived from AMIP baseline model BMRC BMRC2.3 (R31 L9) 1990 principally by increasing the vertical resolution, and by overhauling the cloud formation and convection (and therefore in convective precipitation) schemes. The model's horizontal diffusion is made more scale-dependent and its vertical diffusion scheme is also modified. The specification of surface characteristics is also substantially different, with fractional snow cover accounted for. More minor changes in the formulation of surface fluxes and soil thermodynamics also are introduced.

Model Documentation

Aside from a portion of the baseline model's documentation that remains relevant, key publications include Colman and McAvaney (1995)[36] and McAvaney et al. (1995)[ 37] on the consequences of introducing the Tiedtke (1989)[44] convective scheme; Holtslag and Beljaars (1989)[38] and McAvaney and Hess (1996)[39] on the revised surface flux formulation and the formulation of fractional snow cover; and McAvaney and Fraser (1996)[40] and Louis et al. (1981)[41] on the changes in horizontal and vertical diffusion. Land surface characteristics are determined from the data of Wilson and Henderson-Sellers (1985)[46].

Numerical/Computational Properties

Vertical Resolution

There are 17 unevenly spaced sigma levels, a substantial increase in vertical resolution over that of the baseline model. For a surface pressure of 1000 hPa, 5 levels are below 800 hPa and 5 are above 200 hPa.

Computer/Operating System

The repeated AMIP simulation was run on a Cray Y/MP 4E computer (an upgrade over that of the baseline experiment) using a single processor in a UNICOS environment.

Computational Performance

For the repeated AMIP experiment, about 5.5 minutes Cray Y/MP computation time per simulation day, a lower performance than that of the baseline model, mainly because of the increased vertical resolution.


For the repeated AMIP simulation, the model was initialized in the same way as in the baseline experiment, except that the specification of snow-covered land was determined from albedos derived from the vegetation dataset of Wilson and Henderson-Sellers (1985)[43].

Sampling Frequency

Departing from the procedure followed in the baseline experiment, the model history is written every 24 hours with key "flux-type" variables accumulated during the 24-hour period.

Dynamical/Physical Properties



Cloud Formation


In a change from the baseline model, convective precipitation is determined according to the Tiedtke (1989)[44] convective scheme. Conversion from cloud droplets to raindrops is proportional to the convective cloud liquid water content (with freezing/melting processes ignored). Liquid water is not stored in a convective cloud, and once detreained, it evaporates instantaneously. The portion that does not moisten the environment falls out as subgrid-scale convective precipitation. As in the baseline model, evaporation of falling convective or large-scale precipitation is not simulated.

Snow Cover

In contrast to the baseline model, fractional snow coverage of a grid box is simulated following the approach of Marshall et al. (1994)[42]. The snow fraction is proportional to the snow depth and is inversely proportional to the local roughness length of the vegetation. A weighted value is derived so that the snow fraction is always < 1. The fractional snow cover affects the surface albedo, roughness length, and evaporation: the grid-box average for each of these quantities is calculated as the fractionally weighted sum of the snow-covered and snow-free values. The snow albedo itself is made a decreasing function of temperature to account for granularity effects. Cf. McAvaney and Hess (1996)[39] and Pitman et al. (1991)[47] for further details.

Surface Characteristics

Surface Fluxes

Land Surface Processes

In contrast to the baseline model, soil temperature is computed from heat diffusion in three layers (0.05 m, 0.5 m, and 5.0 m in thickness), where a zero-heat-flux condition (rather than a deep temperature) is imposed at the bottom of the soil column. Treatment of soil hydrology is the same as in the baseline model. See also Surface Characteristics and Surface Fluxes.

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Last update October 2, 1996. For further information, contact: Tom Phillips (phillips@tworks.llnl.gov)

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