SUBROUTINE SCREENL(USTAR,ZO,TG,QG,VMOD, * HSENS,HLAT,RHO,PSS,theta1,QS0,THETA0, & THETAS,QSTAR, PSC,RIB, DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0, UP,TSP,QSP,RL, * ILONGL,TSAIR,QSAIR,U10) c $Id: screenl.f,v 2.4 1998/05/21 16:57:53 mwehner Exp $ C C subroutine to calculate the "screen height air" temperature and C "screen height" mixing ratio C and "anemometer level" wind using the C predictor corrector method of Hess and McAvaney C C Input variables C USTAR - friction velocity (m/sec) C ZO - rougness length (m) C TG - temperature (K) at first model level above surface C QG - mixing ratio (kgm/kgm) at first model level above surface C VMOD - magnitude of wind (m/sec) at first model level above surface C HSENS - sensible heat flux at first model level above surface (w/m^2) C - positive out of surface C HLAT - latent heat flux at first model level above surface (w/m^2) C - positive out of surface C RHO - air density at first model level above surface C PSS - surface pressure (Pa) C QS0 - mixing ratio at surface (kgm/kgm) C THETA0 - potential temperature at surface (K) C ILONGL - number of points to be calculated C THETA1 - potential temperature at lowest model level C C implicit none real*8 cp, rgas, roncp, hl, grav, vkar, zsc, zan, eps PARAMETER (CP=1.00464d3,RGAS=287.04,RONCP=RGAS/CP,HL=2.5104d6) PARAMETER (GRAV=9.80616,VKAR=0.4,ZSC=2.0,ZAN=10.,EPS=1.0E-20) C C CP C RGAS - gas constant C HL - latent heat of vaporisation C GRAV - gravity aceeleration C VKAR - vom karman constant C ZSC - screen height (m) C ZAN - anemometer height (m) C EPS - small "test" number C C C input integer ilongl real*8 USTAR(ILONGL),ZO(ILONGL),TG(ILONGL),QG(ILONGL), * HSENS(ILONGL),VMOD(ILONGL), * HLAT(ILONGL),RHO(ILONGL),PSS(ILONGL) real*8 THETA0(ILONGL),QS0(ILONGL) real*8 THETA1(ILONGL) C C Output variables C TSAIR - screen height air temperature at height ZSC C (ZSC is set by parameter statement below) C QSAIR - screen height mixing ratio at height ZSC C U10 - magnitude of wind at anemometer level ZAN (set by parameter below) C real*8 TSAIR(ILONGL),QSAIR(ILONGL),U10(ILONGL) C C Local variables C THETAS - potential temperature scaling C QSTAR - mixing ratio scaling C PSC -pressure at "screen" height (current) C RIB - Richardson number at "screen " height (diagnostic) C UP - current wind at "screen height" C TSP -current temperature at screen height C QSP -current mixing ratio at screen height C DELU - correction to current guess for wind C DELTHE - correction to current guess of potential temperature C DELQS0 - correction to current mixing ratio C RL - Monin Obukhov length - for diagnostic purposes C real*8 THETAS(ILONGL),QSTAR(ILONGL) real*8 PSC(ILONGL),RIB(ILONGL) real*8 DELU(ILONGL),DELTHE(ILONGL),DELQS0(ILONGL) real*8 UP(ILONGL),TSP(ILONGL),QSP(ILONGL),RL(ILONGL) integer ik, iter real*8 THETASC integer niter C C NITER sets the number of iterations of the corrector PARAMETER (NITER=2) C C PREPARE INITIAL VALUES C DO IK=1,ILONGL C c thetas is as in Eqn 11 of H&M THETAS(IK) = -SIGN(max(ABS(HSENS(IK)),EPS),HSENS(IK)) & / (rho(ik) * cp * ustar(ik)) c qstar is as in Eqn 12 of H&M QSTAR(IK) = -HLAT(IK)/(RHO(IK)*HL*USTAR(IK)) C theta1 is potential temperature at lowest model level above surface * I changed theta1 to be an input variable so no assumptions about the * the vertical coordinate are made. (mfw 3/19/98) c THETA1(IK) = TG(IK) * (100000.d0/(S*PSS(IK)))**RONCP C rl is Monin-Obukhov length RL(IK) = (USTAR(IK)**2 * THETA1(IK)) /(VKAR * GRAV * THETAS(IK)) C ensure RL is not too small if (abs(rl(ik)) .lt. eps) rl(ik) = eps END DO C C At SCREEN HEIGHT - ZSC C C COMPUTE FIRST PREDICTOR C CALL SCREENP(RL,ZO,THETAS,USTAR,QSTAR, * VMOD,THETA0,THETA1,QS0,QG, ILONGL, * ZSC, * DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C DO IK=1,ILONGL UP(IK)=DELU(IK) QSP(IK)= QS0(IK) + DELQS0(IK) THETASC = THETA0(IK) + DELTHE(IK) TSP(IK) = THETASC * (100000.d0/PSS(IK))**(-RONCP) END DO C C THE ITERATION C DO ITER=1,NITER C C COMPUTE CORRECTOR C CALL SCREENC(ZO,UP,ZSC,QSP,TSP,PSS, * USTAR,THETAS,QSTAR,THETA0,QS0,ILONGL, * PSC,RIB,DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C DO IK=1,ILONGL UP(IK)=DELU(IK) QSP(IK)= QS0(IK) + DELQS0(IK) THETASC = THETA0(IK) + DELTHE(IK) TSP(IK) = THETASC * (100000.d0/PSC(IK))**(-RONCP) END DO C END DO C C END OF ITERATION C DO IK=1,ILONGL TSAIR(IK)=TSP(IK) QSAIR(IK)=QSP(IK) END DO C C At anemometer level - ZAN C CALL SCREENP(RL,ZO,THETAS,USTAR,QSTAR, * VMOD,THETA0,THETA1,QS0,QG, ILONGL, * ZAN, * DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C DO IK=1,ILONGL UP(IK)=DELU(IK) QSP(IK)= QS0(IK) + DELQS0(IK) THETASC = THETA0(IK) + DELTHE(IK) TSP(IK) = THETASC * (100000.d0/PSS(IK))**(-RONCP) END DO C C ITERATION C DO ITER=1,NITER C CALL SCREENC(ZO,UP,ZAN,QSP,TSP,PSS, * USTAR,THETAS,QSTAR,THETA0,QS0,ILONGL, * PSC,RIB,DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C DO IK=1,ILONGL UP(IK)=DELU(IK) QSP(IK)= QS0(IK) + DELQS0(IK) THETASC = THETA0(IK) + DELTHE(IK) TSP(IK) = THETASC * (100000.d0/PSC(IK))**(-RONCP) END DO C END DO C C END OF ITERATION C DO IK=1,ILONGL U10(IK)=UP(IK) END DO C RETURN END SUBROUTINE SCREENP(RL,ZO,THETAS,USTAR,QSTAR, * VMOD,THETA0,THETA1,QS0,QG, ILONGL,HEIGHT, * DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C C The Predictor equation for screen temps and wind C based on dyer-businger C As per Hess&Mcavaney, 1995. C implicit none real*8 vkar PARAMETER (VKAR=0.4) C C INPUT C RL - Monin-Obukhov length C ZO - roughness length C THETAS - potential temperature scaling factor C USTAR - friction velocity C QSTAR - mixing ratio scling factor C VMOD - wind magnitude at lowest model level C THETA0 - surface potential temperature C THETA1 - potential temperature of lowest model level C QSO - mixing ratio at surface C QG - mixing ratio at lowest model level C ILONGL - number of points C HEIGHT - height of level for calculations C integer ilongl real*8 RL(ILONGL),ZO(ILONGL) real*8 THETAS(ILONGL),USTAR(ILONGL),QSTAR(ILONGL) real*8 VMOD(ILONGL),THETA0(ILONGL),THETA1(ILONGL),QS0(ILONGL), * QG(ILONGL) real*8 HEIGHT C C OUTPUT C DELU - correction to wind C DELTHE - correction to potential temperature C DELQS0 - correction to mixing ratio C real*8 DELU(ILONGL),DELTHE(ILONGL),DELQS0(ILONGL) c working variables real*8 xm, xmh, xm0, xmh0 integer ik C DO 100 IK=1,ILONGL C IF(RL(IK).GE.0.d00)THEN C C STABLE C full formula only when wind exceeds a minimum value (1 m/sec) C and stability not too large C IF(VMOD(IK).GT.1.0.AND.RL(IK).LE.1.0)THEN C DELU(IK) = (USTAR(IK)/VKAR)* * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) + * min(5.0d0,5.0d0 * (HEIGHT-ZO(IK))/RL(IK) ) ) DELTHE(IK) = (THETAS(IK)/VKAR) * * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) + * min(5.0d0, 5.0d0 * (HEIGHT-ZO(IK))/RL(IK)) ) DELQS0(IK) = (QSTAR(IK)/VKAR) * * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) + * min(5.0d0, 5.0d0 * (HEIGHT-ZO(IK))/RL(IK)) ) C ELSE C DELTHE(IK)=0.1*(THETA1(IK)-THETA0(IK)) DELQS0(IK)=0.1*(max(QG(IK),0.0)-QS0(IK)) DELU(IK)=0.1*VMOD(IK) ENDIF ELSE C C UNSTABLE C C winds must not be too light and not too unstable IF(VMOD(IK).GT.5.0d0.AND.ABS(RL(IK)).LE.50.0)THEN C XM = SQRT(SQRT(1.0d0 - 16.0d0 * HEIGHT/RL(IK)) ) XMH = SQRT(1.0d0 - 16.0d0 * HEIGHT/RL(IK)) XM0 = SQRT(SQRT(1.0d0 - 16.0d0 * ZO(IK)/RL(IK)) ) XMH0 = SQRT(1.0d0 - 16.0d0 * ZO(IK)/RL(IK)) DELU(IK) = (USTAR(IK)/VKAR) * * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) - * 2.0d0 *log(0.5d0*(1.+XM)) + 2.0d0 *log(0.5d0*(1.d0+XM0)) - * log(0.5d0*(1.d0+XM**2)) + log(0.5d0*(1.d0+XM0**2)) + * 2.0d0 * ATAN(XM) - 2.0d0 * ATAN(XM0) ) DELTHE(IK) = (THETAS(IK)/VKAR) * * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) - * 2.0d0*log(0.5d0*(1.0d0+XMH)) + 2.0d0*log(0.5d0*(1.0d0+XMH0)) ) DELQS0(IK) = (QSTAR(IK)/VKAR) * * ( log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) - * 2.0d0*log(0.5d0*(1.0d0+XMH)) + 2.0d0*log(0.5d0*(1.0d0+XMH0)) ) ELSE C C when winds are light or instability is extreme DELTHE(IK)=0.5*(THETA1(IK)-THETA0(IK)) DELQS0(IK)=0.5*(max(QG(IK),0.0d0)-QS0(IK)) DELU(IK)=0.5*VMOD(IK) ENDIF C ENDIF C 100 CONTINUE C RETURN END SUBROUTINE SCREENC(ZO,VMOD,HEIGHT,QG,TG,PSS, * USTAR,THETAS,QSTAR,THETA0,QS0,ILONGL, * PSC,RIBB,DELU,DELTHE,DELQS0) C C THE corrector phase - of computation of screen C Temperatures C As per Hess&mcavaney, 1995. C implicit none real*8 grav, vkar, cp, rgas, roncp PARAMETER (GRAV=9.80616,VKAR=0.4) PARAMETER (CP=1.00464d3,RGAS=287.04,RONCP=RGAS/CP) C C INPUT C ZO - roughness length C VMOD - wind magnitude at lowest model level C HEIGHT - height at which output required C QG - mixing ratio at lowest model level C TG - temperature at lowest model level C PSS - surface pressure C USTAR - scaled friction velocity C THETAS - scaling for potential temperature C QSTAR - scaling for mixing ratio C THETA0 - potential temperature at surface C QS0 - mixing ratio ai surface C ILONGL - number of points C C integer ilongl real*8 ZO(ILONGL),QG(ILONGL),TG(ILONGL) real*8 PSS(ILONGL) real*8 VMOD(ILONGL) real*8 USTAR(ILONGL),THETAS(ILONGL),QSTAR(ILONGL) real*8 THETA0(ILONGL),QS0(ILONGL) real*8 HEIGHT C OUTPUT C PSC - pressure at level HEIGHT (diagnostic) C RIBB - Richardson muber at HEIGHT (iagnostic) C DELU C DELTHE C DELQS0 real*8 DELU(ILONGL),DELTHE(ILONGL),DELQS0(ILONGL) real*8 PSC(ILONGL),RIBB(ILONGL) c working variables integer ik real*8 qz, qs0z, trm1, trm2, theta1, rib, af, fmu, fmtq C DO 100 IK=1,ILONGL C QZ = max(0.0d0,QG(IK)) QS0Z = max(0.0d0,QS0(IK)) TRM1 = 1.0d0 + 0.608 *QS0Z TRM2 = 1.0d0 + 0.608 * QZ PSC(IK) = EXP( log(PSS(IK)) - * GRAV * HEIGHT / ( RGAS * TG(IK) * * (1+.608*QZ) ) ) THETA1 = TG(IK) *(100000./PSC(IK))**RONCP C Richardson number - Eqn 7 of H&M RIB =(GRAV*HEIGHT)/(VMOD(IK)**2) * (1.-THETA0(IK)/THETA1 * * (1.0d0 - TRM1/TRM2) ) C AF=(VKAR/log((HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)))**2 C C the following functions are the Louis transfer faunctions as used by BMRC C each model needs to use same form as in surface flux calculation IF(RIB.GE.0.)THEN RIB=min(20.,RIB) FMU = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+10.*RIB*(1.0d0+8.0d0*RIB)) FMTQ = FMU ELSE FMU = 1.0d0 - 10.0d0 * RIB / ( 1. + AF*75.*SQRT(-RIB * * (HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) ) FMTQ = 1.0d0 - 15.0d0 * RIB / ( 1.d0 + AF*75.d0*SQRT(-RIB * * (HEIGHT+ZO(IK))/ZO(IK)) ) ENDIF C RIBB(IK)=RIB C Equations 11-13 of H&M DELU(IK) = USTAR(IK)/SQRT(AF*FMU) DELTHE(IK)=THETAS(IK)*(SQRT(FMU/AF)/FMTQ) DELQS0(IK)=QSTAR(IK)*(SQRT(FMU/AF)/FMTQ) C 100 CONTINUE C RETURN END