AMIP II Standard Model Output - Variable specific issues

Perspectives of the AMIP Panel, the PCMDI and many others have formed the basis for the AMIP II Standard Model Output listing. However, some variables require further explanation and discussion, and will be addressed here.

Disclaimer: The responses to the questions below have been prepared or reviewed by the AMIP Panel, which often consults with individuals who are particularly familiar with the issue at hand. To some questions there may be no single right answer. Differing views are welcome, and will be added to the discussion below if they help to clarify the question or provide an important perspective on a contentious issue.
Some questions...

  What should be included in the dry and moist convective temperature tendencies?

  What should be included in the moisture tendency calculation?

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Question responses

What should be included in the dry and moist convective temperature tendencies?

The final temperature tendency from the convection scheme is what is desired. Whether that comes directly from latent heat release or indirectly from the induced subsidence is not the point. Dry convective processes refer to dry adiabiatic adjustment which is often needed explicitly over deserts for example although, in some models, vertical diffusion does the job. The "adiabatic subsidence" associated with cumulus convection should be not be counted as a dry convective process, but rather included along with detrainment as a moist convective process.

What should be included in the moisture tendency calculation?

For consistency, the moisture tendency should include water vapour only.

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Last update March 1, 1998.

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